The Chamber of Commerce, Thrissur


The Chamber of Commerce had to face innumerable problems and hardships in it starting from the year 1948 onwards.

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President’s Note


Sri. Sajive Manjila

Business and Climate Change – Awareness to Action

The climate is inextricably linked to nearly everything we do as a society. It’s already starting to have an impact on businesses around the world, and it will continue to have an even larger effect moving forward. The climate may reflects in supply chains , insurance costs, labour etc.

Despite being famed for its moderate tropical climate, the picturesque state of Kerala is also now facing threats from extreme climate events. The increase in the frequency and impact of climate events in Kerala has been experiencing through temperature rise, irregular monsoon, water scarcity etc for the past few years. Kerala’s weather changes will definitly affect the busi- nesse of the state. In the coming years, we will likely see more events that change the operations of businesses and cause them extreme financial and physical changes.

These extreme weather events in Kerala have the potential to disrupt supply chains making getting the resources and materials. Severe drought and weather pattern changes may cause a shortage of crops used for food, apparel and other products. Rising electricity and transpor- tation expenses may also increase the cost of moving goods. Regulatory restrictions on goods linked to climate change could also increase costs. Resource scarcity could drive companies to use alternative materials and recycle more waste.Now consumers are prioritizing sustainability in the products they buy, shifting demand toward more environmentally friendly goods.The demand of such products will increase in Kerala. As temperatures rise and weather patterns change, working conditions in some sectors may become harsher. Jobs that require physical labor, especially outdoors, will become more challenging, and health and safety risk in these industries will rise. This will increases costs in these sectors.

So, how can businesses prepare for the impacts climate change will have on them? Many companies have already started to adapt, and all those that hope to succeed in the future will have to do the same.The first step a business needs to take is to conduct an analysis to define how it impacts the environment, as well as the potential risks it faces due to climate change. In addition to risks, businesses should identify opportunities to improve their environmental performance. Companies should examine whether they can source alternative materials and evaluate the feasibility of sing renewable energy such as solar, wind and biomass. Businesses can use this information to create an environmental management systems they use to im- prove their performance.Climate change is much more than just an environmental issue. It will also have a profound impact on businesses in the years to come. To succeed in the climate of the future, we will have to adapt.


Business and industry flourished in the historical town of Thrissur during the regime of the powerful and strong ruler, Sakthan Thampuran. He was a great Architect too. Swaraj round stands as the best example for his long term vision. He brought different sections of business community to Thrissur to promote Trade and Industry. While floating Chamber of Commerce, the Founders and Promoters also have clear cut vision. To uphold, safeguard and protect the rights and interests of all sections of business community, they felt that it was so inevitable to organize and unite.


To support and fulfill the long term vision, number of missions has to be activated. For existence, survival and promotion of business, review and analysis are so important. To update the quality of entrepreneurship, Business men should be aware of the day-today changes and challenges. Chamber of Commerce renders such services frequently.

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